Puck Polter in Magazine for Internet Law on exhaustion of copyright on software


Puck Polter of Vondst comments on Court of Justice 12 October 2016, C-166/15 (Ranks en Vasiļevičs vs. Microsoft Corp.).


Polo van der Putt in Computer Law Magazine on specifying functionaly


Polo van der Putt comments on Court of Appeal Den Haag 31 March 2015 (Exact-Brandmeester's).


Comments Polo van der Putt on failed automation project


Comments Polo van der Putt for the magazine Computerrecht (Computer Law) on a failed automation project.


Polo van der Putt geïnterviewd door de AutomatiseringGids


Polo van der Putt has been interviewed by AutomatiseringGids (Automation Magazine), a leading magazine in the Netherlands for IT professionals.


Launch Outsourcing Performance 2015 – Polo van der Putt acted as reviewer


Yesterday the 2015 Outsourcing Performance was launched. Outsourcing Performance is the annual benchmark study of Giarte.


Checklist T&Cs Dutch IT industry trade organisation


In juni heeft de branchevereniging van de Nederlandse IT-industrie, Nederland ICT, haar nieuwe algemene voorwaarden gepubliceerd.


Big data and liability


Article of Polo van der Putt in the legal magazine Weg & Wagen (Road & Vehicle) on big data and liability.


Delivery dates in IT contracts not binding?


Noot van Polo van der Putt in Computerrecht bij Centric/Wehkamp. 


Commentary Tjeerd Overdijk on decision in patent dispute Rovi v. Ziggo


On 25 June 2013 the Hague Court of Appeal gave a ruling on the validity of a software patent of U.S. based Rovi Coroporation.


IT business cases


Polo van der Putt and Tessa Stallaert wrote an article for Information Magazine on the legal aspects of IT business cases.


Commentary by Polo van der Putt in Computerrecht


Polo van der Putt wrote a commentary for Computerrecht, the Dutch Computer Law Magazine.


Innovation and outsourcing


Recently the 10th edition of Outsourcing Performance was published by Giarte.


Commentary on sales law and software


Commentary of Polo van der Putt and Titus Engels on the recent Supreme Court decision in which sales law was applied to software licenses.


Early Warning Outsourcing – article in Outsource Magazine


Classical outsourcing agreements are too rigid.


Herwin Roerdink appointed as partner


Herwin Roerdink has been appointed as partner with Vondst advocaten as of 1 February 2017.


Herwin Roerdink speaks at NVvIR about apps and intellectual property rights


During the Spring Meeting of the Netherlands Association for Information Technology and Law (NVvIR) lectured about apps and intellectual property.


Polo van der Putt attends ITechLaw India conference


Polo van der Putt attended the ITechLaw conference in Bangalore, India.


Amsterdam Economic Board


Vondst has participated in the recent event of the Amsterdam Economic Board.


Polo van der Putt teaches on e-commerce


Polo van der Putt has given a training on e-commerce for Sdu.


Court of Justice and second hand software


In a landmark case (usedSoft-case) the Court of Justice of the EU today decided that buyers of second hand software do need need a license from the software vendor to use the software.


Outsourcing and architecture


Polo van der Putt and Titus Engels are the co-authors of the book "Outsourcing onder Architectuur.


Another failed IT-project


Today a commentary of Polo van der Putt was published in the Dutch magazine for Computer law (Computerrecht) with respect to a court decision on a failed IT-project.


Polo van der Putt lectures on outsourcing trends


On 6 March a successful seminar on outsourcing trends took place.


Launch Data Protection Book


On 30 January the book "Data Protection & Privacy" was launched in Brussels.


Default due to unability to perform?


Comment by Polo van der Putt for the legal blog IT en Recht (IT & Law) to a Supreme Court decision about the unability to perform an IT agreement.
